A Quick Bite When You’re Feeling Low

I  go through periods of loving to cook and doing crazy amounts of it to not really feeling like even simmering rice. I try to embrace these sluggish times by trying new convenience foods.

Annie Chun’s Miso Noodle Soup Bowl ended up being a good choice because not only was it quick but it was FUN too! Check out the freeze dried square of veggies! Hilarious! And all bowls are compostable. That’s nice.

The only problem I had was I found the tofu didn’t soak up enough liquid and it was crunchy. Kinda made me sad. But probably my own fault for not fully letting the water boil.

Almost as fun as making soup yourself!

Pretty good for 3 minutes of work!

Broken Heart Vegan Tip #3: Your current sensitivity can be used to see the brilliance in life too. Take a good look at things around that you might take for granted. Maybe this is the first time you’ve noticed how beautiful that wild flower on the side of your house is, or really taken notice of that bird who perches and chatters outside your English Class every thursday.

Broken Heart Song #3

May 3, 2010. Tags: , , , , , , . entree, soup.


  1. Warrior Two replied:

    I practically live off of these.

  2. heartbrokevegan replied:

    Damn I thought your comment was for the Rice Bowl post. I was going to say “Good for you Warrior Two for making such healthy food!” But you could do worse than Annie Chun’s 😉

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